Sunday, September 20, 2015


Two things defines a man,'Your Patience when you have nothing and your Attitude when you have everything' In the just concluded general elections in Nigeria, we voted along ethno-religious lines and without apologies to nobody, thats who we are. Politicking and electioneering stunts are all over and all Nigerians irrespective of our ethno-religious linings expects no less than a good and accountable leadership bases on the mantra of change on which PMB drove into the Aso Rock. "There are no principles; there are only events. There is no good and bad, there are only circumstances, in order to guide them. If there principles and fixed laws, nations would not change them as we change our shirts, and a man can not be expected to be wiser than an entire nation". Honore De Balzac(1799-1850). Following events in the last hundred days of PMB' administration, he has left no one in doubt about his policy thrusts. However though, there seems to be a confusion on what he is really driving at by his appointments so far and body movement towards christians in Nigeria. It seems to me that there is an undeclared war or should I say silent jihad against christians in the country. I am worried because he promised change, leaving me to wonder if change he ment included short changing millions of Christians that voted and supported him even though I did not, I worry if it includes shutting down the children church in Aso chapel, I brood if his change includes banning a choir not to sing in the Aso chapel, I ponder I relocating the Aso chapel was part of it, wether introducing Islamic studies in the educational curriculum and making it compulsory was factored in, and El Rufai closing down of churches and seminaries in Kaduna State was it in the change agenda? Well then I have a message for PMB and his fellow jihadists "THE CHURCH OF GOD IS MARCHING ON, AND THE GATES OF HELL SHALL NOT PREVAIL AGAINST IT". This aspect of change shall be met with the resistance of the martyrs and with prayers. Islamization was not part of the change and you rightly said so, only to go back on your word; deceptive change. A promise of change was made to Nigerians, and millions believed and voted the APC taking the mantra for what it means and its limits in a secular country like Nigeria. I would hope that change for you does not preclude the freedom of Christianity in any part of this country, not even in the Aso Rock. "I THOUGHT TO MYSELF WITH MEANS, WITH WHAT DECEPTION, WITH HOW MANY VARIED ARTS, AND THROUGH THESE VARIATIONS THE WORLD IS MADE MORE BEAUTIFUL". -Francesco Vettori- There must therefore be no trepidation of Christians to worship in Aso chapel, Kaduna or any part of the geographical entity called Nigeria. Nwali Theophilus Chinedu

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